Delft and pottery are inextricably linked. For centuries it has been produced here. Delftware was very popular with wealthy families.
And to this day Delftware is a household name worldwide. For the first time antiques dealer and collector Léon-Paul van Geenen shows his extensive collection of Delft Blue. With hundreds of images, an extensive catalogue and many new insights, this book provides a thorough summary of almost four centuries of Dutch pottery brilliance.
Dutch Delftware, Marks and factories
Léon-Paul van Geenen
Publisher PolderVondsten
ISBN 978 90 817063 7 7
Dutch Delftware, Marks and factories contains 324 pages
Multilingual edition : Dutch, English, French en Japanese
Measurements 30.5 x 23.5 cm (12 x 9.25 inch)
The book can be ordered at: Art- & Antiques Leon-Paul van Geenen
Price € 60.= (excluding shipping costs)
Leon Paul van Geenen - Voldersgracht 26 Delft